Monday, February 09, 2009

Inaugural Ball

To celebrate the inauguration of our new President, Rob and his students put together an inaugural ball. I borrowed an old bridesmaid dress from my sister in law and we headed of to the ball.  It was fun to see the students so excited about the future of our country, but I have to say it made me feel old.  I only new a couple of the songs they played and Rob didn't know any of them!  It was still fun to get dressed up and go out though.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I'm around college kids I feel incredibly old and I'm a reasonably hip, childless, 30-year-old, New Yorker. I don't know what super powers of coolness they possess but they certainly do know how to make us mortals feel ridiculous. ;-)

    You guys look fantastic by the way!
