Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Santa was good to the Kirby family once again. Here are our some of our favorite gifts. Chet got some cool Lego sets, but his favorite things were a Harry Potter movie and trading cards. Nel loves her new snake which she has had wrapped around her all morning while she put on make-up from her new make-up set. Katie was excited about her new sea animal finger puppets, but her favorite was her aqua raiders lego sets. Mommy got her wish and we now have a family Wii and Khim really likes her new backpack.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I found your page through Robin and Kyle's blog. We are also parents to a child from Thailand, and I have a blog if you want to check it out. I saw you are in Illinois - so are we. Near Chicago! Please comment on my blog or email me, I'd love to talk more. mrs_listopad(at)yahoo.com

    Happy Holidays!
