Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Mother's Day

My Mother's Day started on Friday with a Mother's Day Tea at Chet's school. The kids decorated the classroom, the Dad's provided snacks and there was entertainment by the kids. It was really a lovely afternoon. All the children prepared a poem to read, most of them were about their moms, not Chet's. Here is his poem:


At NASA they have shuttles,
At NASA they have rockets,
At NASA they have badges
that they keep inside their pockets.

It was just what I would expect from Chet and it made me smile. Some of the kids also provided musical entertainment. Chet and two of his friends practiced all week and learned the song, "Your My Cheeseburger" from Veggie Tales. They did a great job signing it and were very entertaining to watch.

The girls for Mother's Day have been making me cards all week, picking flowers (clover and dandelions) and then on Friday they brought home a sunflower sprout that they had planted. For actual Mother's Day my only request was that I not have to cook or do dishes. So we had bagels for breakfast, McDonald's for lunch and pizza for dinner. No cooking, although on Monday there were some dishes left for me to do.


  1. Hi, I found your blog several weeks ago and have been an avid reader ever since. I was so thrilled to see your gorgeous children as we have been in the process of adopting a child from Thailand for 21 months and are currently waiting for our referral. Just wanted to let you know how encouraging it is for my husband and I to see and hear about your special family.

    Andrea from NZ

  2. Glad you found our blog. Good luck with your adoption.
